Typing Efficiency and Suggestion Accuracy Influence the Benefits and Adoption of Word Suggestions This paper received Best Paper Honorable Mention Award

Quentin Roy, Sébastien Berlioux, Géry Casiez, and Daniel Vogel. CHI '21.
AB  - Suggesting words to complete a given sequence of characters is a commo
n feature of typing interfaces. Yet, previous studies have not found a
 clear benefit, some even finding it detrimental. We report on the fir
st study to control for two important factors, word suggestion accurac
y and typing efficiency. Our accuracy factor is enabled by a new metho
dology that builds on standard metrics of word suggestions. Typing eff
iciency is based on device type. Results show word suggestions are use
d less often in a desktop condition, with little difference between ta
blet and phone conditions. Very accurate suggestions do not improve en
try speed on desktop, but do on tablet and phone. Based on our finding
s, we discuss implications for the design of automation features in ty
ping systems. 
AU  - Roy, Quentin
AU  - Berlioux, Sébastien
AU  - Casiez, Géry
AU  - Vogel, Daniel
C3  - Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing S
DA  - 2021/5//
C2  - 2021
DO  - 10.1145/3411764.3445725
ID  - Roy2021_word_suggest
PB  - Association for Computing Machinery
SN  - 9781450380966
TI  - Typing Efficiency and Suggestion Accuracy Influence the Benefits and A
doption of Word Suggestions
UR  - https://doi.org/10.1145/3411764.3445725
ER  - 
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